Magnetoresistance anisotropy of a Bi antidot array

G.J. Strijkers, F.Y. Yang, D.H. Reich, C.L. Chien, P.C. Searson, Y.M. Streiniker, D.J. Bergman
2001 IEEE transactions on magnetics  
We have measured the magnetoresistance of a Bi antidot array film. The magnetoresistance exhibits a pronounced angular dependence on the direction of the magnetic field, e.g., the longitudinal relative magnetoresistance at 5 K displays an angular variation between 1.8 and 3.4 in a field of 4.9 T. The effect is the result of the interference between cigar-shaped regions of strong current distortions around the voids in the Bi film. The measurements can be understood and quantitatively reproduced
more » ... by theoretical calculations. is with the School of Physics and Astronomy, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel. Publisher Item Identifier S 0018-9464(01)07281-8.
doi:10.1109/20.951055 fatcat:6qip76taevf37pvjpalfdq43ba