Alpaslan Hamdi KUZUCUOĞLU
2014 The Journal of Academic Social Science Studies  
Library and archive buildings are crucial both because they are public facilities used by protect many collections regarded as cultural heritage. As in all business locations, library and archive buildings have threats related to occupational health and safety and risks resulted from these. The most important difference diversifying library and archive buildings from other business locations is that the risks at these buildings not only pose a challenge for the staff, visitor, researcher and
more » ... dents using these, but also for library and archive material in form of cultural heritage holding light on the past such as rare collections, documents, maps and photos. Yet the loss of both human and cultural heritage collections cannot be restored. While these are structural risks that can give rise to accidents or be resulted with injury, impairment of health or death in case of emergency/disaster situations for the people using these buildings; all of the collections and archive materials in the feature of cultural heritage are affected by both these structural risks and environmental conditions such as temperature, humidity, light and dust. Because of these proactive precautions against the threats at whole of the building (reading hall, storage areas) or around it shall be made. In order to take these measures, it is important to have risk analyses in which potential threats in library and archive buildings are determined, monitoring based on calculation and observation, frequent revision activities and regulative and preventive control precautions. In this study, health and safety risks in library and archive buildings within the scope of Code on Occupational Health and Safety with the number of 6331 are evaluated and precautions in order to reduce current risks in acceptable levels are determined. With this aim, "5x5 Risk Assessment Table" method is used. In order to provide that the application shall be operable for all of the library and archive buildings and serve as a model, potential risks not at A.Hamdi KUZUCUOĞLU & Hüseyin CEYLAN definite library or archive buildings but at any library and archive buildings are evaluated. In risk assessment study, risks that shall give harm to both staff and collections are analyzed. 40 risk factors are determined diversely for the staff and the collections, being 10 "Environmental Risk" and 10 "Disaster Risk". Undoubtedly, it is possible to mention about hundreds of risk factors at library or archive buildings. However, in this study it is focused on threats that are mostly met.
doi:10.9761/jasss2552 fatcat:snk43aaifvdtlbfp55rylsedeu