Student Views on Learning Environments Enriched by Video Clips

Ilker Kosterelioglu
2016 Universal Journal of Educational Research  
This study intended to identify student views regarding the enrichment of instructional process via video clips based on the goals of the class. The study was conducted in Educational Psychology classes at Amasya University Faculty of Education during the 2012-2013 academic year. The study was implemented on students in the Classroom Teaching and Information Technologies Teaching programs (n=120). Data was collected with the help of a form composed of semi-structured questions. Descriptive
more » ... sis method was used in data analysis. During data analysis, student views related to learning environments enriched with the use of video clips were collected under four themes -permanency, participation during class, attitude and achievement-and 13 sub codes under these themes. According to the findings, students emphasized the positive effects of using video clips as arousing interest in the class (11,9%), concentrating during class (8,9%), improving memory in learning (27%) and providing intelligibility of the topic (7,9%). Students also provided suggestions for increased effectiveness of using video clips, such as: using videos for short periods of time, using videos related to the goals of the class and using a limited number of videos.
doi:10.13189/ujer.2016.040207 fatcat:oh2uxdmky5bl5fmsr25mr3lsam