Alina Kvietkauskienė, Modestas Plakys
2017 Poslovna izvrsnost - Business excellence  
Th e paper examines the infl uence of impact indicators on stock market returns. Th e authors analyse various theoretical and empirical studies in order to form a set of impact criteria for stock market selection. Th e diff erent examinations aimed to identify the co-integrating relationship between stock market return and such impact indicators as money supply, exchange rate, short and long-term interest rates and others. It is oft en observed that stock prices tend to fl uctuate with economic
more » ... indicators that have positive and negative eff ects on stock market returns. A detailed analysis of the selected topic has shown that there is no unifi ed or general method for the selection of the mentioned criteria; therefore, the authors propose a set of criteria that should be used for stock market selection in order to generate sustainable market return in the long term.
doi:10.22598/pi-be/2017.11.2.59 fatcat:yec66pfce5d6hhjyedsdxr6xru