Patriachal Structures and the Homo Oeconomicus

Maria Ziolkowski
2017 unpublished
The homo oeconomics - the economically thinking man in neoclassical economics - is supposed to be gender free, value free and rational. Further consideration from a feminist perspective enables to recognise that patriarchal structures are mirrored in each and every of its individual assumptions, which makes typically male behaviour the norm. The research question of this text deals with the above formulated statement. Therefore, the paper begins with a clear definition of patriarchy,
more » ... l economics and different feminist schools of thought. Starting from an Egalitarian feminist point of view, I analyse the representation of men and women in neoclassical economics. The aim of this work is to show based on the homo oeconomicus how assumptions in economics can be analysed in order to find out who is represented by them. Although the provided analysis is based on neoclassical economic and heterodox economics is only analysed very fundamentally, one can already realise that there exist enormous differences between the two branches of economics. I identify methodological individualism as one of the biggest limitations of neoclassical economics, which influences all four main assumptions, which are rationality, exogenous preferences, the existence of natural market equilibria and symmetric information of the homo oeconomicus in a substantial manner as it makes it impossible to take institutions, social interlacings and interdependencies between individuals into account. In the last chapter of this work I analyse three heterodox models about the decision-making of individuals in the same way. Since methodological individualism is not an premise in heterodox economics, interpersonal relations between agents can be accounted for, which ultimately leads to a better representation of women in economics.
doi:10.25365/thesis.49858 fatcat:h5feradv3rcp7kz3ccawe54ksa