Emergenet: robust, rapidly deployable cellular networks

Daniel Iland, Elizabeth Belding
2014 IEEE Communications Magazine  
Cellular phone networks are often paralyzed after a disaster, as damage to fixed infrastructure, loss of power, and increased demand degrade coverage and quality of service. To ensure disaster victims and first responders have access to reliable local and global communication, we propose EmergeNet, a portable, rapidly deployable, small scale cellular network. In this article, we describe EmergeNet, which addresses the challenges of emergency and disaster areas. EmergeNet provides free voice
more » ... ing and text messaging within a disaster area, and enables users of unmodified GSM handsets to communicate with the outside world using the Skype Voice over IP (VoIP) network. We evaluate EmergeNet's ability to provide robust service despite high load, limited bandwidth, and software or hardware failures. EmergeNet is uniquely well suited to providing reliable, fairly allocated voice and text communication in emergency and disaster scenarios.
doi:10.1109/mcom.2014.6979955 fatcat:z5kiudmwqjeerodwnbubl6fhpa