1897 Mind  
NEW BOOKS. 571 his ' Utilitarianism'; and this book is, of course, his principal exposition of his ethical opinions; but I think it unfortunate that the theory of morality which is conveyed in it should be divorced from the conception of the method of ethical science by which Mill's work as a moralist is determined; and I have therefore prefaced the ' Utilitarianism ' by the chapters from his ' System of Logic' in which that conception iB chiefly set forth. It has also seemed desirable to give
more » ... n opportunity of supplementing the knowledge of Mill's ethics which is to be gained from a study of these chapters, and of' Utilitarianism,' by quoting, as footnotes and appendices, passages from his other writings, which corroborate, supplement, or correct the statements of the text. It is hoped that in this way a reasonably complete account of Mill's ethical theory is presented." The work as a whole is extremely well done, and will be found very useful to students. The Introductory Essays give a clear and judicious account of Mill's general ethical position, bringing out both his strong points and his deficiencies. G. F. 8.
doi:10.1093/mind/vi.4.571-a fatcat:g2lwmgaf7bbxhkinhshy3eiicu