Generalized Projection-Based M-Estimator

S. Mittal, S. Anand, P. Meer
2012 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  
A completely user-independent robust regression method -Estimates multiple noisy inlier structures for single and multi-carrier problems in a unified framework. -Handles a large number of outliers • For each inlier structure, the algorithm has three steps. -Step One: Heteroscedastic estimation of scale of the inlier noise, S. -Step Two: Robust model estimation using mean shift for the detected inlier structure. • Optimization on Grassmann manifold. - Step Three: Inlier/Outlier dichotomy.
doi:10.1109/tpami.2012.52 pmid:22350164 fatcat:7nyo5rnvgvbq5n3t4rh7x55ria