H∞ robustification control of existing piezoelectric-stack actuated nanomanipulators

H. Ladjal, J.-L. Hanus, A. Ferreira
2009 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation  
In current AFM-based nanomanipulation systems, the commercial position closed-loop controller for piezoelectric nanopositioning stages are implemented with success in a wide range of industrial applications. Even if these controllers operate with satisfactory nominal tracking performance, considerable attention has been focused on appropriate control strategies to compensate hysteresis, nonlinearities, drift and creep for high bandwidths and large scanning regimes. As these closedloop
more » ... s are very cost-effective, a special interest in robust plug-in compensators seems to be a solution. We proposed in this paper a robust plug-in compensator using the H-infinity loop-shaping techniques which can be plugged into the existing controller without affecting the already satisfactory nominal tracking performance of the existing closed-loop system. Dynamic modeling, identification and robust control of a 3 d.o.f. piezoelectric nanorobotic positioner are presented in this paper in order to improve the nanorobot performance under plant parameter variations and in the presence of external disturbances. Simulation and experimental results are given to validate the proposed plug-in robust compensator in the case of a nanorobotic manipulation task.
doi:10.1109/robot.2009.5152701 dblp:conf/icra/LadjalHF09 fatcat:cykrelmabrbazeedasnkgrfyce