Notizen: Synthese und Kristallstruktur von [OsCl4(CH3CN)2] · 1/2 CH3CN / Synthesis and Crystal Structure of [OsCl4(CH3CN)2] · 1/2CH3CN

Dieter Fenske, Gerhard Baum, Hans-Walter Swidersky, Kurt Dehnicke
1990 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. B, A journal of chemical sciences  
[OsCl4(CH3CN)2] · 1/2CH3CN has been prepared by the reaction of OsCl5 with acetonitrile in a slow reaction at room temperature, forming red, moisture sensitive crystals. The compound was characterized by IR spectroscopy as well as by an X-ray structure determination. Space group Pnma, Z = 4, 1281 observed unique reflexions, R = 0.031. Lattice dimensions at 20 °C: a = 1032.5(5), b = 1356.0(7), c = 975.9(5) pm. The complex has a molecular structure, in which the osmium atom is octahedrally
more » ... ated by four chlorine atoms and by two N-atoms of the ciscoordinated acetonitrile molecules. The included CH3CN molecules are disordered in two positions.
doi:10.1515/znb-1990-0817 fatcat:s4swngmrffbezaisjiwlmtqgsu