Northeast Regional Biomass Program first and second quarter reports, October 1, 1994--March 31, 1995 [report]

1995 unpublished
Support Offices and the energy offices in each of the 11 NRBP states to transfer biomass technology. MANAGEMENT REPORT This section provides a brief description of the; communications and outreach, partnership building, technology transfer and education activities for the past quarter. These activities may include: attending conferences or workshops for the purpose of informing others about the NRBP; learning about new technologies or the activities of other organizations; distributing NRBP
more » ... rials or educating energy producers and consumers; or attending meetings for the purpose of building partnerships to promote the objectives of the NRBP. October 2 3-6 11 12 18-20 Made presentation at DOE All States conference Biloxi, MS 25 Conducted NRBP steering committee meeting Reno. W Master of Ceremonies Bioenergy 94 Reno, NV Meeting w i t h Connecticut Commissioner of Agriculture on potential for demo project for small scale farm anaerobic digester Conducted NRBP forum "Siting an Ethanol Plant in the Northeast" Hartford, CT Attended a workshop jointly sponsored by USDA and DOE seeking input on energy crops in Burlington, VT
doi:10.2172/468524 fatcat:ojmcayj3dbbvlbu33xigz7f36e