A Top-Down Random Generator for the In-Home PLC Channel

A. M. Tonello, F. Versolatto, B. Bejar
2011 2011 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference - GLOBECOM 2011  
We propose a random channel generator for inhome power line communications (PLC). We follow a statistical top-down approach and we model the multipath propagation effects of the PLC channel in the frequency domain. Then, we introduce the variability into the model, i.e., we let the parameters associated to the reflections be random, according to a certain statistics. Finally, we fit the model to the experimental data. We target the average path loss and root-mean-square (RMS) delay spread of
more » ... measured channels. According to this methodology, we show that the randomly generated channels are in good agreement with the experimental ones in terms of the main metrics.
doi:10.1109/glocom.2011.6133815 dblp:conf/globecom/TonelloVB11 fatcat:2asstertrjcnrahnbdxclqagbi