Both on and under the Surface of Discourse: Tagged Corpora for the Functional Description of Conjunctive Language

Andy Cresswell
2013 Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences  
This paper reports an eight-stage procedure for tagging small specialised corpora with logical relations, grounded in the coding of two corpora of argumentative writing one learner corpus, and one expert corpus. The tagset was developed out of Rhetorical Structure Theory. Tagging involved adjusting mark-up added by the RST Tool tree diagram program to produce a corpus with cocoa tags easily searchable with KWIC concordancing software. Results show disambiguation of form-function relationships
more » ... conjunction and a wide range of types of conjunctive language. Potential further applications in research and teaching are discussed.
doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.10.630 fatcat:4hmdtzevyfd5howbmwnb554cj4