A Case of Sub-Mucous Uterine Fibroid Treated by Electrolysis

1878 Boston Medical and Surgical Journal  
native of Maine, but a resident of California, for an obscure abdominal tumor. Her mother died of cancer of the breast, and a sister after an operation for the removal of a fibrous tumor of the uterus which had undergone partial spontaneous enucleation. The patient was a decided blonde, above the average stature, with fair nutrition. Menstruation was established at seventeen, and continued normal. She was married at twenty-two, gave birth twice, the first time a year after marriage, the last
more » ... ee years later, twenty-one years ago. There were no mis-
doi:10.1056/nejm187809050991003 fatcat:k3ozpkng4zbuxl2qksejxmvz6u