The Ecology of Echo

Peter T. Hraber, Terry Jones, Stephanie Forrest
1997 Artificial Life  
Abstr act Echo is a generic ecosystem model in which evolving agents are situated in a resource-limited environment. The Echo model is described, and the behavior of Echo is evaluated on two well-studied measures of ecological diversity: relative species abundance and the species-area scaling relation. In simulation experiments, these measures are used to compare the behavior of Echo with that of a neutral model, in which selection on agent genotypes is random. These simulations show that the
more » ... olutionary component of Echo makes a significant contribution to its behavior and that Echo shows good qualitative agreement with naturally occurring species abundance distributions and species-area scaling relations.
doi:10.1162/artl.1997.3.165 fatcat:6qzp64iy7ndtpbsisizpchwzc4