Acylation of Pulmonary Surfactant Protein-C Is Required for Its Optimal Surface Active Interactions with Phospholipids

Zhengdong Wang, Okyanus Gurel, John E. Baatz, Robert H. Notter
1996 Journal of Biological Chemistry  
This study investigates the importance of thioesterlinked acyl groups in lung surfactant protein C (SP-C) in facilitating interactions with phospholipids that yield functionally important surface active behaviors. Native SP-C, palmitoylated at cysteine residues at positions 5 and 6, was isolated from bovine lung surfactant by liquid chromatography. Deacylated SP-C (dSP-C), unchanged in composition and sequence from SP-C but having a decreased ␣-helical content in films with dipalmitoyl
more » ... dylcholine (DPPC) of 52 versus 70%, was obtained by treatment with 0.1 M sodium carbonate buffer at pH 10. Surface activity was studied for SP-C and dSP-C combined with column-purified phospholipids (PPL) from calf lung surfactant or with synthetic phospholipids (DPPC or a synthetic phospholipid mixture (SPL) containing 50:35:15, DPPC:egg phosphatidylcholine:egg phosphatidylglycerol). Interfacial measurements included surface pressure time adsorption isotherms for dispersed surfactants with diffusion minimized, dynamic surface pressure area isotherms and respreading for films in the Wilhelmy balance, and overall surface tension lowering at physiologic cycling rate in oscillating bubble experiments. Dispersions of PPL: SP-C and SPL:SP-C rapidly adsorbed to high equilibrium surface pressures of 47-48 mN/m, significantly better than corresponding dispersions containing dSP-C. The adsorption of PPL:dSP-C was essentially unchanged from that of PPL alone, and the adsorption of SPL:dSP-C was improved only slightly over SPL alone. In Wilhelmy balance studies, dynamic respreading was significantly improved over phospholipids alone in films of SP-C plus PPL, SPL, or DPPC. Respreading was improved less markedly by dSP-C in corresponding films with SPL or DPPC and not at all in films with PPL. Maximum surface pressures were also higher in cycled films of SP-C versus dSP-C combined with PPL or SPL. In bubble experiments (37°C, 20 cycles/min), dispersions of PPL:SP-C and SPL:SP-C reached low minimum surface tensions of <1 and 5 mN/m, respectively, whereas PPL:dSP-C and SPL:dSP-C only reached minima of ϳ20 mN/m as did PPL and SPL alone. Acylation in SP-C is crucial for its interactions with phospholipids over the full spectrum of adsorption and dynamic surface behaviors important for lung surfactant.
doi:10.1074/jbc.271.32.19104 pmid:8702584 fatcat:ek2qybxfl5ei7dm5immtxy35ly