60 GHz wide-band psi (Ψ)-shaped long-wire antenna for wireless on-board chip-to-multi-chip communication

Tae Hwan Jang, Chul Soon Park
2020 IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation  
A novel type of wide-band long-wire antenna is presented for 60 GHz wireless on-board chip-to-multi-chip applications using a vertically polarised electric field. The psi-shaped structure is devised to match the antenna input impedance to 50 Ω and to increase the front-to-back ratio by placing two bent 0.5λ eff lines parallel to the original long-wire antenna, which resulted in improved realised gain and can be directivity compared to those of a conventional baseline structure. The psi-shaped
more » ... ng-wire antenna shows a peak gain of 10.2 dBi, an end-fire gain of 7 dBi, a 22% impedance bandwidth (52-65.2 GHz), and a 25.8% 3 dB gain bandwidth (56-74 GHz) in an area of 3.1 × 10 5 mm 2 . This study presents the proposed antenna for an onboard chip-to-multi-chip communication scenario for a distance of 20 mm, with a peak transmission gain of −19.5 dB and a 3 dB bandwidth of 11.8 GHz (=19.6%), which ranges from 55.4 to 67.2 GHz.
doi:10.1049/iet-map.2020.0416 fatcat:c3a7iqbebzatlaqufluc5mrnbm