Thermal Properties of Denture Lining Materials

Noboru IMAI, Chizuko YONEYAMA, Junko HAYASHI, Yasuo HORIE, Masahiro SAITOH, Minoru NISHIYAMA
The Journal of the Japanese Society for Dental Materials and Devices  
We examined the thermal properties of six kinds of denture lining reslns composed of methylmethacry 亅 ate resin ( PM lining resin ) and two kinds of denture lining resins c 〔 ⊃mposed ofsulfone resin ( PS ! ining resin ) . GC Acrol1( GA , contro [ ) was cured by heating, Pl⊃lysulf (me pink ( PP , controD was made fr 〔> m hardened cylindrical resin , GC Rebaron LC was cured by visible light and others were self − cured by mixing the powder and liquid under manufacturers '
doi:10.18939/jjdm.19.1_11 fatcat:obv7kl2qxbfhfojtyckxsia24e