L'epigrafia antiga dels hipogeus de Menorca

Bartomeu Obrador Cursach
2020 Pyrenae  
This paper gathers 22 inscriptions (some of them unpublished) dated to Roman period and read on the walls of 11 hypogea from Minorca (Balearic Islands). Although they share a similar context, their contents are diverse: they contain religious texts (the rare Roman god Summanus, as well as some Christian formulae), an epitaph (to Honorius), three graffiti with Vespasianus and some per¬sonal name (Iasidur, Tasidur, Iucuta, Iaso, Iaguren) suggested to have a North-African origin, more concretely Paleo-Amazigh.
doi:10.1344/pyrenae2020.vol51num2.2 fatcat:gcbu6f44pva7pnn26oles62ita