Determination of Diffusion Coefficients of Selected Long Chain Hydrocarbons using Reversed- Flow Gas Chromatographic Technique

Khalisanni Khalid, Rashid Atta Khan, Sharifuddin Mohd Zain
2011 E-Journal of Chemistry  
The reversed-flow gas chromatography (RF-GC) technique was used to study the evaporation rate and estimating the diffusion coefficient of samples. The RF-GC system comprises of six-port valve, sampling and diffusion column, detector and modified commercial gas chromatography machine. Selected long chain of hydrocarbons (99.99% purity) was used as samples. The solute (stationary phase) were carried out by carrier gas (mobile phase) to the detector. The data obtained from the RF-GC analysis were
more » ... nalysed by deriving the elution curve of the sample peaks using mathematical expression to find the diffusion coefficients values of respective liquids. The values obtained were compared with theoretical values to ensure the accuracy of readings. The interesting findings of the research showed the theoretical values of equilibrium at liquid-gas interphase lead to profound an agreement with the experimental evidence, which contributes for the references of future studies.
doi:10.1155/2011/618308 fatcat:boaod7uipjdtfktjma4lhctm6q