Analysis of Photon Detection Efficiency and Dynamic Range in SPAD-Based Visible Light Receivers

Salvatore Gnecchi, Neale A. W. Dutton, Luca Parmesan, Bruce R. Rae, Sara Pellegrini, Stuart J. McLeod, Lindsay A. Grant, Robert K. Henderson
2016 Journal of Lightwave Technology  
We investigate the photon detection efficiency and the dynamic range for digital silicon photomultipliers (dSiPMs) over a selection of design parameters: dSiPM unit cell dead time, photon detection efficiency, unit cell area and fill factor, number of cells and total dSiPM active area. Two receiver scaling scenarios are considered: varying the number of cells for (1) a fixed unit cell area or (2) a fixed total dSiPM area. Theoretical and simulated results are confirmed with experimental data
more » ... m a selection of dSiPMs realised on a test chip in 130nm CMOS process.
doi:10.1109/jlt.2016.2550497 fatcat:yxwqisu77vbupl5oofgxbmvxzq