1881 The Lancet  
a river in Madras. The Allahabad fair will therefore be the largest ever known. It is expected that not less than 2,0C0,000 pilgrims will be present from all parts of India. No less than 7500 barbers have been licensed to shave the heads of all the devotees-an important part of the proceedings, men and women having their heads shaved previously to bathing in the thrice-sacred stream. The revenue derived from the fair by the Allahabad municipality cannot be less than 60,000 rupees ; and the
more » ... ion of prohibiting the fair is therefore a serious one ; besides, the laceration to the religious feelings of the Hindoos would be great.
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)33544-x fatcat:6uywbb4sk5c4je5sofp37zoqci