Study of Three-Dimensional Viscous Flow Field in Axial-Flow Fan

Moming Su, Chuan-gang Gu, Yong-miao Miao
1996 Volume 1: Turbomachinery   unpublished
The complex three-dimensional flow field in an axialflow impeller incorporating high-Reynolds-number kturbulence model is studied in this paper. The fully threedimensional Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations are solved. A computational procedure has been developed for predicting three-dimensional incompressible separated turbulent flows in the impeller. The SIMPLE-like algorithm is used. Convective terms are approximated with higher-order upstream-weighted approximations and a TVD-type
more » ... CL scheme. Physical covariant velocity components are selected as dependent solving variables. The non-orthogonal boundary-fitted coordinate system and collocated grid arrangement are also employed. Rhie and Chow's momentum interpolation method is adopted to eliminate the non-physical pressure and velocity oscillations. Periodic boundary condition and moving wall boundary condition are considered to simulate truthfully the turbulent flow field in impeller. Two types of axial-flow impellers are computed. The first one is designed by ordinary method and the other is . a improved design that has been considered with eliminating flow separation and viscous vortex in the first design. The computed results show that the fully tree-dimensional turbulent flows computation can efficiently predict three-dimensional separated flows and viscous vortex in axial-flow impeller and vaneless clearance. Using the program, a designer can improve passage geometric design to enhance the performance of the fan.
doi:10.1115/96-gt-420 fatcat:ri5576uumje4vilqxikddovdna