The scribe and drawing-arti st St efan Basov's ornamentati on of early printed style (the end of the 16th — the beginning of the 17th centuries)
Орнаментальные украшения старопечатного стиля книгописца и художника-знаменщика Стефана Басова (последняя четверть XVI — начало XVII вв.)

E. Sherstobitova
2020 Bulletin of the South Ural State University Series «Social Sciences and the Humanities»  
The article is devoted to the ornamental art by Stefan Basov. He was, as his two brothers, outstanding scribe of books and drawing-artist at the last quarter of the 16 th -the first third of the 17 th centuries. The research of his of book ornament was revealed that the master was talented at decorating texts in creating early printed style headpieces of handwritten books, letters and marginal ornaments. The author sets the goal of this research to consider in chronological order and to analyze
more » ... the ornamental examples of the art by Stefan Basov, to identify their features, principles of creation and manifestation of originality of the art by Stefan Basov. The author is based on the results of previous studies of the art by the drawing-artist and traced their relationship with other examples of Stefan's ornamentation. Keywords: old Russian manuscript books and art, early printed style, drawing-artist, Stefan Basov. Шерстобитова екатерина сергеевна, младший научный сотрудник НОЦ «Актуальные проблемы истории и теории культуры» кафедры теологии, культуры и искусства, Южно-Уральский государственный университет (г. Челябинск, Российская Федерация). Поступила в редакцию 20 февраля 2020 г. Орнаментальные украшения старопечатного стиля книгописца и художника-знаменщика Стефана Басова... Е. С. Шерстобитова For citation Sherstobitova E. S. The scribe and drawing-artist Stefan Basov's ornamentation of early printed style (the end of the 16 th -the beginning of the 17 th centuries).
doi:10.14529/ssh200214 fatcat:vfhhldtgabgflkc2hvtjh7jtu4