The Modelling of the Temperature Field during Surfacing by Submerged Arc Welding Using a Bimodal Heat Source Model

Jerzy Winczek, Pavel Ziobrowski
2015 Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering  
Keywords Abstract Surfacing Rebuilding Submerged Arc Welding The Fusion lines during surfacing by welding often exhibit shape irregularity that is difficult to restore by means of the description of the temperature field obtained by using the single-distributed heat source model. The adoption of a bimodal heat source model in the analytical description of the temperature field. The electric arc was treated physically as one heat source, whose separated heat was divided finding justification in
more » ... he way of transmitting heat to the surfaced object. It was assumed that part of the heat is transferred by the direct impact of the electric arc, but another part of the heat is transferred to the weld by the melted material of the electrode. Analytical solution for half-infinite body model is obtained by aggregating temperature increments caused by applying liquid metal and heat radiation of moving electrode during surfacing by submerged arc welding. Computations of temperature field are carried out during surfacing of cuboidal steel element made from S355 steel. The results are presented in the form of temporary and maximum temperature distribution in element's cross section and thermal cycles at selected points. Article History Category Original Scientific Paper Citation Winczek J, Ziobrowski P (2014) The modeling of the temperature field during surfacing by submerged arc welding using a bimodal heat source model. Journal of Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering, 14(1-2):1-4, http://dx.
doi:10.12776/mie.v14i1-2.462 fatcat:tjx56ws5sfhfpmh6lsshqt7seq