Ultrasonography of Gastric Volvulus. "Peanut Sign"

Yasuyuki MATSUZAKI, Mayumi ASAI, Toshihiro OKURA, Ryuichi TAMURA
2001 Internal medicine (Tokyo. 1992)  
Wereport a case of chronic gastric volvulus in which ultrasonography (US) was useful. An 81-year-old woman was hospitalized due to vomiting, and upper gastroduodenoscopy revealed that the stomach was spirally twisted and constricted. An upper gastrointestinal barium study demonstrated an organoaxial-mesenteroaxial combined type gastric volvulus. US showed constriction between the dilated upper stomach body and the lower stomach body similar to a "peanut". Thereafter, the patient's vomiting
more » ... ed and follow-up USdemonstrated that the constriction of the stomach was loosened. Therefore, we believe that this characteristic USsign paralleled the symptoms of the patient. (Internal Medicine 40: 23-27, 2001)
doi:10.2169/internalmedicine.40.23 fatcat:x6zyrpcvcbhi7banvozycuvdge