SVM and Naïve Bayes Classification Ensemble Method for Sentiment Analysis

Konstantinas Korovkinas, Paulius Danėnas
2017 Baltic Journal of Modern Computing  
This paper follows an important problem of sentiment recognition which may influence ones decisions or reviews about item and etc. In this paper we introduce a new method to improve classification performance in sentiment analysis, by combining SVM and Naïve Bayes classification results to recognize positive or negative sentiment, and test in on datasets from movie reviews, sentiment140 and Amazon reviews. This method is evaluated on a training dataset which consists positive and negative
more » ... and hold-out testing dataset, as well with training data from the same area. It was observed that better results were obtained using our proposed method in all the experiments, compared to simple SVM and Naïve Bayes classification.
doi:10.22364/bjmc.2017.5.4.06 fatcat:co63q4nmfbhnjh4gwcflls2j2q