Intensive Evaluation and High-Quality Redevelopment of Enterprise Land Use: A Case Study in China

Zhiheng Yang, Shaoxing Li, Dongqi Sun, Chenxi Li, Jiahui Wu
2022 Land  
The reuse of existing industrial spatial resources in China's major urban agglomerations is still very unbalanced and needs more in-depth research. This study used intensive evaluation technology for industrial land in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei to evaluate Tianjin and Hebei development zones, and took the Dingzhou Economic Development Zone as an example to evaluate and analyze the intensive use of enterprise land; it suggests the influencing factors for the intensive use of development zones
more » ... nd the measures that can take advantage of the potential of enterprise stock land so as to provide a basis for the rationale behind upgrading industrial land structures and the efficient use of industrial land in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei. The results show that the typical enterprise land use in the typical economic development zone is extensive, which suggests that the intensive use of land in the Dingzhou economic development zone is low and that there is still potential for land redevelopment. According to the classification system developed for available land, there is ample opportunity for land-use redevelopment in the development zone, especially in the area of approved but not supplied land and extended enterprise land. Therefore, the redevelopment of enterprise land could also provide a better land guarantee for industrial transfer projects in the equipment manufacturing industry. This study also offers strategies to redevelop available industrial land.
doi:10.3390/land11030432 fatcat:3m3wtx7ferc3nlfapsgrnk6boy