Tourist Resort for foreigner at Matsushima and the Policy of Tourist Industry during 1930s

2006 Kanko kenkyu  
Tlie purpose of this study is tO make elear states of 1[ burist Resort for ft 〕肥 igner at Matsushima and the Pohcy of [ 【 bu趣 t Indus 揺y durhlg 1930s . Miyagi Pref. had constructed New Park Hotel in 1939 through the Policy . It was p1 ed as an a ommodation to be taken in group ω urists trave g on the Northem − Japan Tvute for ft 〕 reign tt ) urist . Tlie most expectation of those was the Olympic Game tOurist. 1[ he axchitecture was designed by Isoya Y 〕 shida and Sadataro Takahashi . [ Rhey
more » ... each assigned design pmcess . The basic part designed T瓠(ahashi and the detail one did Y ( 〕 shida . Its Japanese − style design was referred on other facd 五ties and sum ) undings i1 the park when the basic plan was finished . That style had been selected out fc ) r foreign tourist .
doi:10.18979/jitr.17.2_1 fatcat:ef7ytgcdkzczvnthqatfywnu44