Collaborative Videoing: A Reflexive Account

Abhigyan Singh
2022 Zenodo  
In this paper, I present collaborative videoing exercise conducted during an ethnographic field research conducted at Sudarshan Layout, an urban slum in Bangalore, India. AC3 Members, a group of local youth of Sudarshan Layout were the participant-collaborators in the collaborative videoing exercise. In this paper, I discuss collaborative videoing within the discourse of collaboration and reflexivity from the domains of visual anthropology and design research. I argue that collaborative
more » ... is an informally structured approach which served as a boundary object during the research process. I reflect on how collaborative videoing, as boundary object, facilitated this research at Sudarshan Layout and assisted in collaboration, communication and cooperation between participant-collaborators and me.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.5848557 fatcat:6q43fgrikjfbfotbgv3fiqxuum