The cross entropy method for classification

Shie Mannor, Dori Peleg, Reuven Rubinstein
2005 Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on Machine learning - ICML '05  
We consider support vector machines for binary classification. As opposed to most approaches we use the number of support vectors (the "L 0 norm") as a regularizing term instead of the L 1 or L 2 norms. In order to solve the optimization problem we use the cross entropy method to search over the possible sets of support vectors. The algorithm consists of solving a sequence of efficient linear programs. We report experiments where our method produces generalization errors that are similar to
more » ... ort vector machines, while using a considerably smaller number of support vectors.
doi:10.1145/1102351.1102422 dblp:conf/icml/MannorPR05 fatcat:adjeehb7sja5vnwngurywaoqwm