Contributions to the Synthesis of Hybrid Catalytic Systems Using Carbonic Anhydrase II

Nicola Sandner, Koert, Ulrich (Prof. Dr.)
The dissertation describes two different approaches to the synthesis of hybrid catalytic systems. On the one hand it was possible to conduct a Huisgen cycloaddition within the active site of the carbonic anhydrase II. The azide was bound covalently to the enzyme while the alkyne was anchored via a sulfonamide to the active site. The reaction could be monitored via crystal structural analysis and mass spectroscopic analysis. On the other hand the dissertation deals with contributions to the
more » ... esis of a hydrogenation catalytic system consisting of a phosphine-rhodium-complex covalently bound to the carbonic anhydrase II. In the course of this work a water soluble phosphine-ligand could be synthesized with different reactive groups for covalent attachment to a cysteine.
doi:10.17192/z2015.0433 fatcat:papjr4e4ebgatgrr3jm6xbiyii