Der Kampf mit der "Anderen Seite" : Grenzen der kulturellen Transposition in der Übersetzung eines jiddischen Textes aus dem 18. Jh. ins Tschechische

Marie Krappmann
2017 Brünner Beiträge zur Germanistik und Nordistik  
The article focuses on the analysis of various kinds of cultural transfer in the translation of a Yiddish text from the 18th century into Czech. The main intention is to confront the functional skopos-theories and the hermeneutic approaches with a highly specific translation and to show which strategies are effective to get over the cultural and language gap between the source text and the target text. Furthermore the analysis of the translation concentrates on following aims: 1) On the base of
more » ... the particular translation we examine the correlations between the inter-and intratextual coherence; 2) We consider the possibilities and limits of the pragmatic explicitation in the examined type of text. 3) Finally we rethink on the base of the analyzed translation the limits of the cultural transfer from the source culture in the target culture.
doi:10.5817/bbgn2017-2-6 fatcat:slm6gofennbmzf7tsm3dxgmjlu