Monte Carlo electron/photon transport [chapter]

Joseph M. Mack, J. E. Morel, H. Grady Hughes
Monte-Carlo Methods and Applications in Neutronics, Photonics and Statistical Physics  
LOS Alamo-NMIonm Labomrory m oawand bym. Unrvadry 01 Califofnla 1*I*UMrcd SW.-Cks9r!m.m ofEnawunder conlracl W-740 $ENG.3a TITLE, MONTE CARLO ELECTRON/PHOTON TRANSPORT Tlli# rqxrrt WUII prcpurcd nsun wmwmtofworkqmnnord hyun tracncyd the United SIUICS Grrvcmmcnt, Ncilher lhe(Jnitd S(ulcs(iovcrllmcnt norunyugenc ylhercof,no ranyd'ihcir cmplrryccs, mukcs my wurrnnty, cxprmrn or implied, or nmwmes nny lcgul Iiuhilitv or rcrnponnihilily h)r the uccurticy, complcicncm, or uxcfulncwofur-ty
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doi:10.1007/bfb0049055 fatcat:zatxan4jczdnfilcccfcvszpey