Calculation of T – Stress on 3D Specimens with Crack

Ladislav Novotný
2012 Procedia Engineering  
The stress intensity factor (SIF) and T -stress are important parameters when estimating the residual life in structures with cracks. In this study, the finite element method was used to calculate the SIF and T -stress. High order elements were employed at the crack tip to represent displacement behavior. Computation of crack characteristics (K factor and T -stress) in three dimensional specimens is presented. The stress intensity factor is determined by processing of the displacements around
more » ... e crack tip. Different methods have been used for calculating the T -stress. Crack characteristics, as a function of distance from the crack tip across the specimen's thickness, is given here.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2012.09.543 fatcat:xpujqw3tavcfnes36oto6wvpqq