First data on Dolichopodidae (Diptera) of the Tigirekskii Nature Reserve (Altai Territory, Russia)

I. Ya. Grichanov
2017 Acta Biologica Sibirica  
First data on Dolichopodidae from the Tigirekskii Nature Reserve resulted from the short-term visit (July, 2014) are presented. All the collected species (20) were recorded for the first time in Altai Territory of Russia. Achalcus nigropunctatus Pollet & Brunhes, 1996 is recorded for the first time for the country and for eastern Palaearctic fauna. Light micrographs of key characters of A. nigropunctatus are included.
doi:10.14258/abs.v3i1.2181 fatcat:76mbnuml3bf4tk23wufjclvpcq