Comment on "The PC index: review of methods", by McCreadie and Menvielle (2010)

P. Stauning
2011 Annales Geophysicae  
The Polar Cap (PC) index is a controversial topic within the IAGA scientific community. Since 1997 discussions of the validity of the index to be endorsed as an official IAGA index have ensued. The article: "The PC index: review of methods", written by two members of the IAGA PC index committee, H. McCreadie and M. Menvielle, holds a critical review of some aspects of the methods used to derive PC index values. However, a number of incorrect statements and factual errors have been found and
more » ... l be called attention to and discussed in this commentary. Further critical comments concern the Corrigendum issued by the same authors and published in Ann. Geophys., 29, 813-814, 2011.
doi:10.5194/angeo-29-1137-2011 fatcat:5xavr5nm6fgsvlm5b5bakbrlq4