Indoor positioning-based mobile resource movement data management system for smart factory operations management

Jin Sung Park, Sung Jin Lee, Jesus Jimenez, Soo Kyun Kim, Jun Woo Kim
2020 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks  
The primary role of modern information and communication technology infrastructures in smart factory is to collect a wide range of digital data from manufacturing resources; however, many manufacturing companies still have significant trouble in collecting data relevant for operations management. Especially, it is difficult to collect data about movement of mobile resources, such as human operators and material handling equipment. Moreover, managers of manufacturing companies often have
more » ... ant troubles in utilizing the raw data collected by information and communication technology infrastructures due to its complexities and vast amount. To fill these gaps, this article proposes indoor positioning-based mobile resource movement data management system, which can be used to collect and process the mobile resource movement data flexibly. The indoor positioning technologies enable to track the positions of physical objects in real time; however, they generate time series data for 3D coordinates of object position not suitable for practical use. Therefore, this article aims to integrate the indoor positioning technology with a specialized user application, which allows the users to define what kinds of data should be collected and how the raw data should be transformed.
doi:10.1177/1550147720909760 fatcat:tmmx4z2i5zbobaej3o3lditq7a