Surgical Treatment of Fracture in Atrophic Jaw

José Carlos Garcia de Mendonca, Ellen Cristina Gaetti Jardim, Gustavo Rodrigues Manrique
2012 Journal of Biotechnology & Biomaterials  
Mandible fractures are common injuries in the facial bones. It has a varied etiology, especially automobile accidents, bicycle accidents, motorcycle accidents and assaults. Objective: This study aims to illustrate a case of a patient with bilateral atrophic mandibular fractures treated surgically. Clinical case: male patient, 48 years old, victim an accident at work causing bilateral mandibular body fractures treated by internal rigid fixation with titanium plates and screws with the making of
more » ... ccess submandibular Risdon bilaterally. Conclusion: The authors present a discussion of the controversy involved in this type of treatment and showing the advantages of transcutaneous approach for the treatment of mandibular fractures.
doi:10.4172/2155-952x.1000123 fatcat:w7dysg5fb5hv7auudh7ntstaj4