Investigation into high-pressure behavior of MnTiO3: X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy with diamond anvil cells

Xiang Wu, Shan Qin, Leonid Dubrovinsky
2011 Geoscience Frontiers  
The structural stability of manganese titanate MnTiO 3 at high pressure was investigated by X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy with diamond anvil cells. Ilmenite-type MnTiO 3 is stable at least to 26.6 GPa, and lithium niobate type MnTiO 3 reversibly transforms at room temperature to perovskite at 2.0 GPa. Bulk moduli (K 300 ) of ilmenite, lithium niobate and perovskite are 174(4) GPa, 179 (8) GPa, and 208(5) GPa, respectively (at fixed first pressure derivative K 0 Z 4). The Grüneisen
more » ... ameter g has been estimated to be 1.28 for ilmenite and 1.75 for perovskite. In ilmenite phase, TiO 6 octahedra become more regular with increasing pressure. In perovskite phase structural distortion increases with pressure increase. ª
doi:10.1016/j.gsf.2010.09.003 fatcat:y36g6wgqc5cttlkqcdkz3dwq64