Integration host factor is required for the activation of developmentally regulated genes in Caulobacter

J W Gober, L Shapiro
1990 Genes & Development  
Several temporally controlled flagellar genes in Caulobacter crescentus require a cr s4 promoter and upstream sites for transcription activation. We demonstrate here that in some of these genes, an AT-rich region containing an integration host factor (IHF) consensus binding site lies between the activator and the promoter, and that this region binds IHF in vitro. Analysis of mutations in the IHF-binding region of the hook operon demonstrated that an intact IHF-binding site is necessary for
more » ... cription in vivo. An adjacent and divergent promoter also has an IHF consensus sequence that binds IHF. The IHF and enhancer sites are 3' to the transcription start site in this promoter. We postulate that IHF mediates the formation of a higher order structure between the divergent promoter regions in a manner analogous to the nucleosome-like structure generated for k-Escherichia coli DNA recombination and that this higher order structure modulates transcription. [
doi:10.1101/gad.4.9.1494 pmid:2253876 fatcat:76f7fsu25ba7theybkltyuydme