The Laboratory Study on Estimation of Depositional Properties of Kaolinite Sediments on Saltwater Condition
염도 존재시 고령토 퇴적물의 퇴적특성 산정에 관한 실험적 연구

Kyu-Nam Hwang, Nam-Hun Kim, Yong-Hao Lee
2008 Journal of Korea Water Resources Association  
In this study, a series of deposition tests have been conducted on saltwater condition(salinity 32 ‰) using an annular flume, in order to estimate depositional properties of kaolinite sediments and to analyze the effect of the initial concentration on them. Total 37 deposition tests have been carried out in three different initial concentrations (1000, 5000, 15000 ppm) with varying the bed shear stress. From these test results, minimum shear stress (or critical shear stress for deposition; 
more » ...  ) and the deposition rate parameters (  ,       ,   ,   ) for kaolinite sediments have been quantified, and the effects of the initial concentration and salinity on depositional properties of cohesive sediments have been analyzed qualitatively. As the results,   ,   and       are found to be 0.147, 0.74 and 0.65 N/㎡ respectively. Through comparing with results from previous studies, the performance of this study and tests results are shown to be good enough to verify.
doi:10.3741/jkwra.2008.41.9.863 fatcat:xqoiju5livh6pnc6ebpeqekxw4