Multi-Channel Authentication based Security Card Design and Implementation
다중 채널 인증 기반 보안 카드의 설계 및 구현

Hwa-jeong Seo, Ho-won Kim
2016 The Journal of the Korean Institute of Information and Communication Engineering  
In this paper, we present multi-channel authentication based security card design. Since this security card is written on the transparent paper, security information is extracted by overlaying the card with smartphone screen. This method removes the limitations of physical layout in previous security card and improves the security level. Furthermore, our security card is secure when our card is exposed to malicious users. 키워드 : 보안카드, 다중 채널 인증, 레이아웃 설계, 금융보안
doi:10.6109/jkiice.2016.20.1.81 fatcat:jz7k7fi7bneblo56s7lrdnwiau