End-of-life Care Preferences among Cancer Patients in Southern Thailand: A University Hospital-based Cross-Sectional Survey [post]

Jarurin Pitanupong, Sahawit Janmanee
2021 unpublished
Background: End-of-life care preferences may be highly individual, heterogenic, and variable according to culture and belief. This study aimed to explore preferences and factors associated with end-of-life care among Thai cancer patients with the goal of helping optimize their quality of life.Methods: A cross-sectional study surveyed cancer outpatients at Songklanagarind Hospital from August to November 2020. The questionnaires inquired about: 1) personal and demographic information, 2)
more » ... ces with end-of-life care received by relatives, and 3) end-of-life care preferences. To determine end-of life preferences, the data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The data concerning patient demographics and end-of-life care preferences were compared using Fisher's exact test. Results: The majority of the 96 cancer outpatients were female (65.6%), and the overall mean age was 55.8 ±11.6 years. More than half of them had an experience of observing someone die (68.8%), and they were predominantly satisfied with the care received by their relatives in passing away at home surrounded by family (47.0%) and being conscious until the time of death (68.2%). Most participants preferred receiving the full truth regarding their illness (99.0%), being free of uncomfortable symptoms (96.9%), having their loved ones around (93.8%), being mentally aware at the last hour (93.8%), and having the sense of being meaningful in life (92.7%). Their 3 most important end-of-life care wishes were receiving the full truth regarding their illness, disclosing the full truth regarding their illness to family members, and passing away at home. Conclusion: In order to optimize the quality of life of terminal patients, end-of-life care should ensure they receive the full truth regarding their illness, experience no distress symptoms, remain mentally aware at the last hour of life, feel meaningful in life, and pass away comfortably with loved ones around.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-152141/v1 fatcat:v2llpuxcrbgezmeb3edpjrouhy