Practical Bovine Immunology

Mark F. Spire, Alvin J. Edwards
Historically, vaccination programs have been designed as a preventative procedure. The bovine practitioner with his accumulated knowledge of pathogenesis and epidemiology of disease conditions is placed into a position of developing vaccination routines. These vaccination routines evolve into a portion of his total herd health program. It has become apparent that decisions regarding a vaccination routine must be made with a knowledge that the routine must be supported by good management and
more » ... itional practices, and that the vaccination routine alone will not prevent all disease conditions from occurring. A series of feedlot observations were initiated to determine if revaccination with ML V IBR V / BVDV vaccine would be deleterious to the health of incoming feedlot cattle. Observations were additionally made to determine if revaccination would elicit an influence on morbidity and mortality.
doi:10.21423/aabppro19827539 fatcat:kqa2rzewivdxxnorayi5rhr7ri