Wobbling motion in ${}^{\mathrm{165,167}}$Lu within a semi-classical framework

A A Raduta, R Poenaru, Al H Raduta
2018 Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics  
The results obtained for ^165,167Lu with a semi-classical formalism are presented. Properties like excitation energies for the super-deformed bands TSD1, TSD2, TSD3, in ^165Lu, and TSD1 and TSD2 for ^167Lu, inter- and intra-band B(E2) and B(M1), the mixing ratios, transition quadrupole moments are compared either with the corresponding experimental data or with those obtained for ^163Lu. Also alignments, dynamic moments of inertia, relative energy to a reference energy of a rigid symmetric
more » ... with an effective moment of inertia and the angle between the angular momenta of the core and odd nucleon were quantitatively studied. One concludes that the semi-classical formalism provides a realistic description of all known wobbling features in ^165, 167Lu.
doi:10.1088/1361-6471/aadc58 fatcat:n67byovbsrelvc333aiqzz5twy