Expediency of ATO in heavy rail: A survey for the Dutch Railways

M. Akbari, B. Hoogewoonink, B. Godziejewsk, M. Rajabalinejad, K. Stamoulis, M. Papanikou, A. Apostolidis, A. Plioutsias, H. Karakoc
2020 MATEC Web of Conferences  
Automatic train operation (ATO) is a relatively new trend in heavy rail. While technical specifications define system and function requirements, implementation and adoption of ATO requires a business case. In this research we have developed a framework which could indicate if a corridor is suitable for automatic operation or not. We have approached this challenge by using product development methods such as QFD (Quality Function Deployment) and methods developed specifically for this study. The
more » ... results indicate that ATO could influence performance, time to market and costs with respect to manual operation. The influence depends on the characteristics of a corridor, corridor segmenting as well as the operational procedures. The positive influence of ATO, considering the current state of the Dutch railways, could be limited and there may be additional challenges.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/202031401005 fatcat:3yoxovv7wjakheew5hm7xbi5su