Epidemiology and direct medical costs of human Leishmaniasis in Italy

A Mannocci, G Torre, G Chiaradia, C De Waure, M Mainelli, A Cernigliaro, S Bruno, W Ricciardi
institute of hygiene of catholic university of Sacred heart, rome, italy; * regional health Authority Sicily, Palermo J Prev Med Hyg 2007; 48: 27-36 Key words human Leishmaniasis • italy • epidemiology • Medical costs Summary Introduction. In the last decades, visceral Leishmaniasis infection rate has increased in Western Mediterranean areas. Epidemiological data show that in Italy, especially in some regions, the prevalence of canine form is high. The aim of this study is to evaluate the
more » ... iological setting of Leishmaniasis in Italy, according to age groups and geographical areas, and to estimate the associated direct medical costs. Methods. The study examined the ordinary and day-hospital discharges and the respective mean of hospital length of stay for Leishmaniasis and visceral Leishmaniasis in Italy, during the period 1999-2003. Moreover, we collected data about notifications of Leishmaniasis, from 1993 to 2004, and mortality due to this infectious disease, from 1993 to 1998. We evaluated the prevalence rates of discharges, the visceral and cutaneous Leishmaniasis notifications incidence rates and the mortality rates from disease, per 1,000,000 residents. Costs analysis was performed getting DRG number 423 rate, which corresponds to "other diagnosis related to infectious and parasitary diseases". Results. Ordinary discharges decreased in the study period, while day-hospital discharges increased. Sicilia, Campania and Lazio regions showed the highest number of ordinary hospital discharges for Leishmaniasis (prevalence rates were respectively 16.29, 15.02 and 12.83 per 1,000,000 residents, in 2003). Campania and Sicilia showed also the highest prevalence rates of day-hospital discharges (respectively 17.29 and 35.39 per 1,000,000 residents in 2003).