Computer simulations of rapid granular flows of spheres interacting with a flat, frictional boundary

Michel Y. Louge
1994 Physics of Fluids  
We employ computer simulations to test the theory of Jenkins [J. Applied Mech. 59, 120-127 (1992)] for the interaction between a rapid granular flow of spheres and a flat, frictional wall. We examine the boundary conditions that relate the shear stress and energy flux at the wall to the normal stress, slip velocity, and fluctuation energy, and to the parameters that characterize a collision. We find that, while the theory captures the trends of the boundary conditions at low friction, it does
more » ... t anticipate their behavior at large friction. A critical evaluation of Jenkins' assumptions suggests where his theory may be improved.
doi:10.1063/1.868178 fatcat:7uquxuto3bcennbkh55f35hxfi