Development of an Economic Valuation Methodology and Model for the DDS of Foreign Journals
해외학술지 원문제공서비스의 경제적 가치 평가 방법론 및 모델 개발

Young-Mi Jung
2008 Journal of the Korean Society for information Management  
This study is to develope a user-based economic valuation methodology and model for the economic analysis on the DDS of foreign journals. For this study, the sampling data on the annual subscribed journals by K institution was used and the online questionnaire was used to collect data. There are three aspects of the economic value of DDS journals was classified as use value, non-use value, and expectancy value. We suggested the income and market approach to measure its economic use value. To
more » ... imate the its value by individual users, this study applied a contingent valuation method and designed the imaginary scenarios.
doi:10.3743/kosim.2008.25.4.245 fatcat:l4x4o3oojrhbrd7qptpxq7nwsq